Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama wins the vote again

As most of you know by now, Barack Obama has been officially re-elected for another 4 years. Some of you think this is good, some of you think this is bad. I personally liked both candidates. Romney has good ideas, but due to his method of switching views, I just can't trust him to be able to do these ideas. And from my point of view, please don't rant on me for my opinion, it's from all the information that I've heard and seen so far, that Obama is fixing his problems from 4 years ago, and it looks like he actually knows what he was doing. Yes I know about how he passed the NDAA and stuff, but has he actually done ANYTHING with it? Have you seen him bombing Las Vegas with nuclear bombs bought by Russia? From the looks of it, I'd be paranoid too if Iran, not trying to be offensive here, gets their hands on nuclear weapons and not expect them to do anything? You know how paranoid everyone was when the Soviet Union threatened to nuke the White House, would you like to be in that situation again except this time, there's a bunch of nuts controlling the weapons and might not be negotiable? I don't like the NDAA as much as you guys do, but I'm OK with it as long as Obama doesn't screw something up and bomb New Mexico or something.

Back onto the election, this entire election reminds me of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did the first election, except this time theirs was much closer than today's elections. I was impressed how Romney responded when he lost, you can tell that since Obama is President again, he is going to help him as much as possible because remember, if you're the President, you're the President of the ENTIRE country, including the supporters of yourself and the supporters of Romney and other candidates. It's a tough job to have to be President when you work with people you don't like, but it's harder to be President when the people you're being President for just up hates you. The candidate that lost when they give their losing speech shows what he'll be doing with the President for his next term, whether he is going to help him, or make his Presidency a 'living hell'. I am happy to say that Romney looks like he's going to be helping Obama during his next last 4 years as President.

There is one thing that disgusts me is when I viewed Obama's Winning Speech on Youtube, the amount of hate comments were completely horrendous. People saying how Obama will, and I quote: "Fuck up the country again." "Bomb us with support from Nazis." "White men should stand up against all these black niggers." And let's not forget about Romney's speech where people were saying how he was an idiot, officially a loser, and shocked to see this as Top Comment: "That this retard even got a single vote shows how retarded that country really is."
Just because this is the internet does not mean you have to say cruel things about the President, this is completely outrageous. That also goes to the Obama supporters, do not gloat to the Romney supporters, it just makes things even worse for the President, the people and the country. If Romney's losing speech did not prove enough to you that instead of fighting over one another about how each other's solutions to our problems are bad, instead compromise something that everyone likes. When Romney said: "Put the people before the politics," you could tell that he was going to be helping Obama. I was hoping that because of his words, all supporters would help each other through the next four years, but no. All you do is bicker and start rumors and lie about each others candidates like a bunch of 10 year olds trying to explain politics.

Now to Obama's next four years,  if he keeps up with what he is doing then we could get the economy up and running again. He should take some ideas from Romney and try them out, such as the amendment that prohibits the federal government from spending more than they have, nobody should be arguing about this because BOTH sides are winning and anyone who argues that he would be 'stealing' Romney's ideas would look like a complete idiot. From what I've been hearing, the Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner, is going to be stepping down. Remember he is in charge of the Treasury, the money system of the United States, so maybe it wasn't Obama who made the economy crash? Ponder that. There have also been critics saying that Obama should make Romney the Secretary of Treasury, and I personally think that that would be a splendid idea. I really hope Obama chooses Romney as the Secretary of the Treasury, and if doesn't, well I do hope he chooses someone who was better than our previous Secretary. I've also heard that  Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, will be stepping down to run for President in the 2016 election, and I wish her well. We'll all be wondering who will be going against each other in the 2016 election and I guess we'll see in 2016. I wish you all well.

Sincerely, One Who Says Many With Very Few

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